Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

Wow... where does the time go!? Easter Sunday is coming to a close, as is Spring Break and all the fun that comes with it! We started the week off kind of shaky with all the sickness and such! But we finished off strong... We enjoyed "Horton Hears a Who!" and "College Roadtrip!" Both very cute. We also managed to sneak in some time with friends as well. We enjoyed shopping Grapevine with the Michael family as well as taming the animals at Rainforest Cafe! We popped in on Sara and the kids in Coppell, and got to see Lea while she was home from New York! Karsyn and I enjoyed a day at the spa... really a few hours, but we could have stayed all day! She actually almost fell asleep in the massage chair while getting her pedi! True girly girl... I must say, we also got in some good Wii time! Kaleb still whoops us all, but it's fun. All in all, I think we had a relaxing week, and are for the most part ready to hit it tomorrow. Oh yes! Spunky... he is almost completely house trained and knows his name as well! Yea!!! He of course has also become accustomed to being toted around the house like a baby like it or not!

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