Monday, August 27, 2007

Welcome to Bennett!

So... 3:30 finally arrived and I waited at the end of a hall filled with what looked like giants compared to my little Kindergartener! She never looked so small! She had a big smile on her face and a big hug for me. Kaleb met me soon after her and we all left to go get some ice cream to celebrate a great 1st day! Kaleb asked if we could pretend everyday was the 1st day!! Smart boy! They both talked non-stop... I think I caught about 1/3 of it all. From "going on a bear hunt," & Junie B. Jones to the new student in 4th grade that is from Japan and speaks no English, the car was filled with stories! Karsyn also informed me that she needs to take nap stuff because she needs to rest! Mrs. French said that she was the only one that fell asleep during rest time!! Maybe because she got up so early!? Anyway, the day turned out good for all, and we are off to football practice and then home to prepare for day #2!

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