Saturday, September 8, 2007

Sweet Victory...

The football season has officially started! Kaleb had his first football game today, so we all put on our burnt orange (much harder for some than others! Garry sported his OU hat with his Longhorn shirt!) and went out to support our team! And what a team they are... Kaleb had some awesome tackles and a couple of QB sacs! His coach calls him the human wreckingball! However, he prefers BRUISER as noted on the back of his jersey. We (the Longhorns) played the Cowboys, and won in double overtime, 7 to 6! Wow! Kaleb started the game and never came off the field except for half-time! We have a great team and the guys play very well together! Kaleb was tired to say the least... but not too tired to enjoy the rest of the day with a couple of his long time buddies and opponents of the day, Caleb and Jon! We decided that when they all get to Jr. High, they will make a pretty sweet football trio! Enjoy the pics!

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