Saturday, August 11, 2007


So, we have a new resident at the Gorman abode! She lives in the maple tree out front, and can usually be found somewhere between this tree and the neighboring basketball goal. She has been tagged accordingly… Charlotte. She is indeed a spider! And I have to confess, at first I agreed with Karsyn… her response was, “that spider is huge, knock it down and squash it!!!” However, as we watched her track back and forth from the top of the basketball goal to the tree (about 6 feet one way!), we found ourselves standing in the driveway in amazement. Kaleb and I agreed that it must seem like miles to her! But, yet she just kept going back and forth! What perseverance God has given her! Karsyn quickly changed her mind about the “squashing” and was the one that named her. She asked “mommy, how does she know how to do that?” Wow!!! We talked about how God had given her that ability, and the wisdom to use it! And, how God loves us so much more than Charlotte! If He takes care of her… we are set!! Charlotte has been a great lesson and a great reminder of faith! We have been watching her for about 3 days now. We watch at night as she works so diligently and then the kids run out in the morning to admire her work!! I snapped a couple of pictures of her last night! One is not so great, you may have to hunt for her… I wasn’t getting THAT close! And the other is just crazy!

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